Congressi Nazionali SISEF



Cocozza C, Lasserre B, Giovannelli A, Castro G, Fragnelli G, Tognetti R

Low temperature induces different cold sensitivity in two poplar clones (Populus x canadensis Mönch ’I-214’ and P. deltoides Marsh. ’dvina’)

Riassunto: Changes of stem diameter were continuously monitored during winter in two field-grown poplar clones, using automatic point dendrometers. The objective of this study was to find an analytical solution to seasonal synchronization of stem diameter oscillations and low air temperatures. The study identified to what extent and with what frequency low air temperature induced stem diameter variation in âDvina’ (P. deltoides) and âI-214’ (Populus3canadensis) poplar clones, after exposure to summer drought. The patterns of reversible stem shrinkage 20 were related to the cycles of low air temperature. Hourly and daily evidence showed that âI-214’ was more sensitive to low air temperatures than âDvina’. The analysis of raw data and graphic details implemented with the study of derivative tests allowed an increase in the general sensitivity of the investigation applied to describe the response of poplar clones to environmental conditions. Given these diameter fluctuation patterns, automatic point dendrometers were confirmed to be a reliable non-invasive method for testing the sensitivity of diameter variation to cold 25 temperature. Variation in rate and duration of daily stem shrinkage in response to low air temperature in winter appeared to occur independently of the effects of water deficit suffered by plants the previous summer.

Citazione: Cocozza C, Lasserre B, Giovannelli A, Castro G, Fragnelli G, Tognetti R (2009). Low temperature induces different cold sensitivity in two poplar clones (Populus x canadensis Mönch ’I-214’ and P. deltoides Marsh. ’dvina’). In: VII Congresso Nazionale SISEF “Sviluppo e adattamento, naturalità e conservazione: opportunità per un sistema forestale in transizione“ (Università degli Studi del Molise, Isernia - Pesche (IS), 29 Settembre - 3 Ottobre 2009), Abstract-book, Contributo #c07.7.41. - [online] URL:


Congresso VII Congresso Nazionale SISEF
“Sviluppo e adattamento, naturalità e conservazione: opportunità per un sistema forestale in transizione”
Università degli Studi del Molise, Isernia - Pesche (IS), 29 Settembre - 3 Ottobre 2009
Collocazione c07.7.41 (#)
Sessione Sessione Poster
Moderatore/i -
Data Oct 03, 2009
Ora 09:00-19:00
Luogo -
Info Autori
(*): speaker

C Cocozza
Laboratorio ECOGEOFOR, Dipartimento STAT, Università degli Studi del Molise

B Lasserre
Laboratorio ECOGEOFOR, Dipartimento STAT, Università degli Studi del Molise

A Giovannelli
Laboratorio Xilogenesi, Istituto Valorizzazione Legno e Specie Arboree, CNR

G Castro
Unità di Ricerca per le Produzioni Legnose Fuori Foresta, CRA

G Fragnelli
Unità di Ricerca per le Produzioni Legnose Fuori Foresta, CRA

R Tognetti
Laboratorio ECOGEOFOR, Dipartimento STAT, Università degli Studi del Molise