Congressi Nazionali SISEF


Presentazione orale

Ferretti M

The quality of forest monitoring data in Europe - an overview

Riassunto: Considerable resources were invested in monitoring the condition of forests across Europe. The concept behind is that sound management needs monitoring data to identify problems and track progresses to meet management objectives. While this concept can be shared, it is based on the assumption that monitoring data were "good enough" to permit defensible statements about the condition of forests and its changes through time. Unfortunately, this may be not the case. In this paper I will review some key problems identified in the international forest monitoring in Europe, from design to sampling and measurement errors, the activity carried out to solve these problems, and the progresses achieved up to date. I argue that forest inventorying and monitoring projects failing in providing adequate Quality Assurance Plans should not receive supports from funding Agencies.

Citazione: Ferretti M (2009). The quality of forest monitoring data in Europe - an overview. In: VII Congresso Nazionale SISEF “Sviluppo e adattamento, naturalità e conservazione: opportunità per un sistema forestale in transizione“ (Università degli Studi del Molise, Isernia - Pesche (IS), 29 Settembre - 3 Ottobre 2009), Abstract-book, Contributo #c07.1.1. - [online] URL:


Congresso VII Congresso Nazionale SISEF
“Sviluppo e adattamento, naturalità e conservazione: opportunità per un sistema forestale in transizione”
Università degli Studi del Molise, Isernia - Pesche (IS), 29 Settembre - 3 Ottobre 2009
Collocazione c07.1.1 (#)
Sessione Sessione 01
Moderatore/i Massimo Bianchi, Piermaria Corona
Data Sep 29, 2009
Ora 17:00-19:00
Luogo -
Info Autori
(*): speaker

M Ferretti*
TerraData environmetrics, Via PA Mattioli, I-53100 Siena