Congressi Nazionali SISEF


Presentazione orale

Roversi PF, Vetralla G, Guidotti A, Toccafondi P

Preliminary study for the implementation of a phytosanitary monitoring program of forests in Tuscany

Riassunto: Owing to recent outbreaks of many insect pests and to the spreading of some pathogens in different forest ecosystems, such as oak and pine woods, an extensive phytopatological monitoring survey started in 2000 in Tuscany to set up a database with biological data on harmful species as well as on their natural enemies. The monitoring program named META is based on permanent plots referred to the Regional Forestry Inventary and includes data obtained by trained forest staff over a forest viability network. Based on a GIS software, the project is aimed to provide informations on population dynamics of the most harmful species to be used to forecast damage trends.

Citazione: Roversi PF, Vetralla G, Guidotti A, Toccafondi P (2001). Preliminary study for the implementation of a phytosanitary monitoring program of forests in Tuscany. In: III Congresso Nazionale SISEF “Alberi e foreste per il nuovo millennio“ (Università degli Studi della Tuscia, Viterbo 15-18 Ottobre 2001), Abstract-book, Contributo #c03.1.2. - [online] URL:


Congresso III Congresso Nazionale SISEF
“Alberi e foreste per il nuovo millennio”
Università degli Studi della Tuscia, Viterbo 15-18 Ottobre 2001
Collocazione c03.1.2 (#)
Sessione Sessione 01
Moderatore/i Raffaello Giannini
Data Oct 15, 2001
Ora 09:00-13:00
Luogo -
Info Autori
(*): speaker

PF Roversi
Sez. Entomologia Forestale, Ist. Sper. Zoologia Agraria, Firenze,

G Vetralla
CFS e Regione Toscana, Serv. 12 Foreste e Patr. Agrofor.,

A Guidotti
ARSIA - Firenze,

P Toccafondi
Dr. Forestale, Libero Professionista, Firenze.